Born and raised in Pennsylvania, I brought my love of all things artistic to Ontario Canada. A little sewing, jewelry making, venting, tutorials, and updates in this blog.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Cody Cute Pants
Mike and I step outside to talk (I've been having a sad day). After a few minutes Cody comes to the door, pokes his head out and requests ice cream. After his negotiating got him nowhere, he whimpers and says "Mom-may, I peed my pants".
My husband tells him its ok and to go up and change.
When he leaves I look at Mike, questioningly, "How did he..." Mike laughs, "Cause he's been having so much fun with that ice cream game in there."
I repeat, "He laughed so hard he pissed himself?"
"Yeah" my husband confirms.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
How to make Rouladen
Most people buy their flank steak precut and even tenderized. In my home, I buy thrifty so I bought a flank roast and cut off a bunch of strips and made some into cubes for a beef stew. These strips I tenderized with a nifty meat mallet til they were about a quarter inch thick.
Next step is to slather on the mustard. Its recommended that you use a nice German stone ground mustard, but I didn’t have that on hand, just some no name stuff from the grocery store across town.
Get a medium sized onion and chop it into half inch “strips”
Then lay the strips of onion onto the strips of mustardy beef
You’re next step is to get your half pound pack of bacon and cut the strips in half; thats about how long your going to want your strips of beef so cut everything with the bacon as your template.
Get your toothpicks ready…
Then roll them up, keeping the onion in tact. (I use the curve of the onion to help me assist in the roll; curve the beef and bacon with the onion into a roll and) quickly stab it with a couple toothpicks to keep it in place.
For the broth, you can simmer it in a crockpot on high for 4-5 hours or on low
for like 6-8 hours, or if your short on time or crockpots, you can use a decent sized stewing pot.
You’ll need 2 1/2 cups of water
and a couple tablespoons of either beef bouillion cube/powder or beef bouillion liquid concentrate
Stir it around to dissolve
and add your rolled up and stabbed-wounded rouladen
put the lid on and leave it alone
About an hour before it’s done, drain a bunch of the broth and make gravy with it (its a gravy like you’ve never tasted, but its so fattening so go easy on everything). It super yummy with mashed potatoes and your favourite vegetable….served on your birthday….by your nana….
Lastly, enjoy!