I've been reading this book called "All In My Head" by Paula Kamen and she makes some very good analogies and points as a fellow chronic daily headache sufferer and she got me thinking [quite often actually] about starting a headache blog.
After all there are many others out there like me and Paula Kamen. In fact I find that so many people suffer (and I mean really suffer) with daily headaches and its quite difficult. I guess I want to help educate on headaches. Even a doctor could get educated by my blogs. Who knows, maybe I can be on Oprah (dont worry i'm not seriously holding my breath).
So a quick history (I'll have to add on to the history every day cause there's a lot):
The chicken or the egg? The headache or the depression?
I was the 4th child of 5 kids and a rather happy little girl. That was until I entered the first grade where my parents struggled to keep me in school just because I was scared to death of my teacher. I don't remember much just bits and pieces. I remember she made a lot of children cry and I was one of them. She stood one boy up in front of the class and made us all chant and clap "Jimmy lied to the teacher". I'll never forget that part as long as I live. That poor kid was standing in front of the class dripping with snot and tears and shaking like a leaf and the teacher continued.
The reason I mention that is because I still wonder today when my headaches all started. I can't remember when they started because I always remember having them. My parents didn't have childrens tylenol so I would frequently get aspirin crushed up on a spoon and mixed with a few drops of pancake syrup. It was disgusting but I learned to tolerate it. I remember seeing the nurse at the old elementry school so I would have had to be 5-7 years old. I got sent home a lot, too.
This morning I woke with my normal pain in the back of my head and temples. I've been recovering from bronchitis and a minor case of whiplash. Also finances haven't been good (stress), and the weather is humid (we're expecting rain) so all my headache triggers have fallen into place once again. Lukily I got my tylenols with codeine refilled and have been going easy on them for fear of addiction. I took a couple about an hour ago with some cold medicine and coffee. Pain is down to a 2/3 (flucuating) instead of a 6 that I woke up with.
If you're familiar with pain, you might recognize the painscale: 1 being no pain, comfortable and 10 being the worse pain of your life, suicidal. I'll use it frequently to help describe my headaches along with the triggers I know and I'll try to describe where and how they hurt.
Everything I say will be 100% truthful. I want to find a cure/treatment.
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