Friday, August 14, 2015

The hills have eyes....and so do the sidewalks, the houses, the floors, the cars, hell even the people have 'em!

I used someone else's meme so apologies for the beginner look, mine would be a step below this anyway.

The theme for today is eyes.

A wise man once told me that "no one cares". People live and die on this crazy earth all the time. It's tragic sometimes, and other times, it's mercy. The point is, everyone has their own life to live and generally speaking they don't really care about yours.

Well, this is not exactly true. Not only do people care, but they watch and study, even if they don't care. Some people like soap operas. That's nice and all but when the soaps start to bore them, they move on to their friends and family. Maybe pick up a little dirt on someone here, spread a little dirt on someone there. Then stir the pot a bit, and add some more people. Next thing you know, you have a great big 'ole stewing pot full of everyone else's bullshit. As long as you're the one doing the stirring, it's totally fine. Soon as someone else decides to add a bit of their own dirt and take over the stirring, shit hits the fan. Thing is, the shit has been hitting the fan every since that first person slung it!

Sometimes I feel like Mike is my only ally. What's safe to confide in people? So many things have come back to bite me in the ass. When I'm sad, when I'm feeling weak and need help, who do I call that won't throw it in my face later on down the line?

There's eyes and ears everywhere and yet I've never felt so alone.

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